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Mississippi Library Partnership Brochure
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The Columbus-Lowndes Public Library System is a proud member of the Mississippi Library Partnership. The Mississippi Library Partnership is a consortium of libraries that share a library automation system as a means of increasing the sharing of resources, automation costs, and technical expertise. As members of the Partnership, each library adds its bibliographic and patron databases to the library automation system housed at MSU, and uses this system for its circulation, online catalog, acquisitions, and serials.
The mission of the Partnership is to build a central database that provides patrons with easy access to resources from all of the member libraries. Along with other useful services, the Partnership enables patrons to request books from any member library and pick them up at their own member library.
A complete list of libraries in the consortium are listed below:.
Mississippi State University Libraries
Mississippi University for Women/Mississippi School for Math and Science
Tombigbee Regional Library System
East Mississippi Community College Library System
Starkville-Oktibbeha County Public Library System
Columbus-Lowndes Public Library System
Mid-Mississippi Regional Library System
First Regional Library System
Lee-Itawamba Library System
Hinds Community College
Mississippi Delta Community College
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